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  • Remote Diagnose

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  • Advanced driving assistance systems

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  • Software & tuning


DOA in Mortsel

DOA stands for Diagnostics Over Air, literally diagnoses through the air (remotely). This technology enables us to quickly and efficiently diagnose problems with vehicles.

But DOA does more: DOA is a young car diagnostic center from Mortsel, a company that was founded with a view to the future. Our experienced mechanics know the automotive industry well and notice that the industry is changing rapidly. DOA was therefore created to respond to this change.

What we offer

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Specialist in modern car systems

Modern cars have increasingly advanced technical options, such as lane assist, adaptive cruise control or automatic parking. As a result, the profession of a car mechanic also changes. With DOA we respond to this by specializing in modern car technologies such as remote diagnosis services, coding and programming of vehicles and advanced driving assistance systems (ADAS).



As a professional diagnosis center, DOA can also unburden other dealer and garage companies in making technical diagnoses. For this we use our advanced remote diagnosis system (RDS). This allows us to remotely connect to the car, so that it does not have to leave your workshop. After making the correct diagnosis, DOA can also solve problems. Our mechanics can take over a vehicle remotely and in this way perform all kinds of work such as towbar coding, learning keys, coding, injector adjustments and service resets.

If, after a remote diagnosis intervention, it appears that further diagnosis is required on the vehicle, this can be done in our diagnosis center.

Here we are already equipped with all the tools and resources to tackle your diagnostic problem.

From diagnosis to repairs

Are you experiencing problems with a vehicle and can't find the cause yourself? Please feel free to contact us. Our specialist mechanics have a lot of experience with all car brands and often know how to find and solve the problem quickly.

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